Mountainbiking with a guide

A nice ride over hills, through forests and country roads.

Mountainbiking with a guide

36.95 per person

Our guide will take you on a 2-3 hour mountainbike trip through  forests, over hills and along charming country roads. We try to avoid the asphalt as much as possible and instead we search for exciting downhills and challenging climbs on mostly dirt tracks. Prepare to get muddy!

We provide a modern mountainbike with helmet and waterbottle. Duration, length and difficulty of the ride in consultation with you.

Below you can book this activity online, from a minimum of 8 people. If you are looking for more activities or other services, please add to ‘my activities’ or contact us by telephone or email.


Amount of people:

Mountainbike and helmet included. Minimum age 12 years, minimum group 8 people. We ask for a €25,- per person deposit for the bikes, which is payed back to you when the bikes are used properly and not damaged. LET OP: Mountainbiken is niet zonder risico’s en er wordt veel gevraagd van uw eigen verantwoordelijkheidsbesef om deze activiteit veilig te laten verlopen. Door het terrein is deze activiteit niet geschikt voor kinderen jonger dan 12 jaar.


No large groups, no long waiting lines, only authentic outdoor activities under expert guidance in the open nature, with respect of everybody's individual capacities and the natural surroundings.